Grantee Application

Eligible organizations must meet the following guidelines to be considered for grant funding:

  • Registered nonprofit operating under an IRS 501(c)(3) status, sponsored by a 501(c)(3) organization, or international equivalent.
  • Working within our focal areas of Human Advocacy, Disaster Relief, Education, and food insecurity aligned to foundations mission of instituting sustainable models for change and resiliency.

How to Apply: 

Step 1:  Review the foundation’s vision, mission, and focus areas to determine if your organization meets the criteria.

Step 2:  Submit an application using our online form.

Grant Application Timeline and process:

April 30th: Application submittal deadline

May 01 to June 30
th: Application review period

July 30
th: Funding Announcement

September 30th: Funding distribution

Dear Prospective Grantee.

Thank you for taking the time to apply for a grant from the foundation. It is our deep wish that grantees utilize the resources of the foundation for broad good of those you serve. Service and community investment are key components that are dear to the heart of AFF. The Foundation believes that it can provide the highest value where gifts provide a start or a “seed” that can benefit the community overtime. Accordingly, the Foundation will generally give preference to those organizations and/or initiatives that will stand the test of time, inspire others to get involved, and are a physical symbol of our mission.

It is the Foundation’s belief that its philanthropic assets (time, treasures, and talents) will have the greatest impact on local community focused charitable organizations, so it is likely that most grants will be made to these types of organizations.  However, this focus is not exclusive, and the Foundation will consider organizations of any size that otherwise meet its mission, guiding principles and grant making guidelines.

The Foundation will select its charitable recipients with great care and will exercise patience to find those organizations. This care will be evidence by the personal involvement of the board in the nomination, due-diligence, on-site reviews, and oversight of charitable initiatives considered by the foundation. 

The Foundation seeks charitable recipients that:

  • share its value and beliefs
  • want to be accountable and do demonstrate results (where the Foundation can cause effective change)
  • embrace the Foundation’s commitment and involvement approach (time, treasures, and talent)

In keeping with the Foundation’s commitment to organizations it supports, gifts will normally be multi-year.  One-time grants will not be excluded but these types of grants would not generally demonstrate the level of commitment and partnership that the Foundation seeks to provide to its grantees.

The AFF accepts applications that focus on four main areas of interest.

  • Human Advocacy: Focusing on the improvement of systems that provide hope and comfort to those in need. Focus of the foundation is primarily child advocacy and advocacy for the elderly in broad terms but can include programmatic functions that benefit at risk or underserved populations.

  • Food Insecurity: Food insecurity and issues of hunger and access to healthy, nutritious, and dignified meal choices. The foundation deeply believes that all mankind deserves access to proper nutrition and sustenance. The foundation will support organizations, programs/project, and capacity development to creatively tackle this growing challenge faced by so many.

  • Education:
    Education is key to enabling hope for our young people. It can help them to take their dreams to reality. Aspirations are realized with quality, well balanced and broad-based education is combined with grounded moral principles and instilled at all levels of the educational spectrum.

  • Disaster Response
    : In the world today, disaster can strike at any moment. Whether it is natural disasters such as earthquakes or flooding, or strife and conflict- the foundation believes enabling organizations to provide innovation to help people get back to productive normal lives can be a powerful thing.

Those applying for grants should be able to demonstrate the need, desire, and capacity to create, sustain and measure outcomes of their proposed work. The applicant can expect that foundation representatives will meet with the organization in person, take site tours if applicable and perform other due diligence to ensure that the applicant is a match for the above-mentioned areas of focus.

We encourage applicants to consider grant applications for:

  • Direct program/project funding
  • Capacity building
  • Strategic planning to enable program building and delivery
  • Multiyear requests meeting the above criteria

The AFF hopes that with the resources granted, success can be defined by an outcome, and measured by the grantee. We look forward to receiving your completed request. We encourage applicants to think BIG.

May God bless you for the work you do, those you serve and that which you are requesting.

Sincerely and with Peace:

The board of directors of the Afzal Family Foundation.

The AFF board of directors.